As your brand grow, you are bound to face challenges especially in the area of competitions, most business just want customers to buy their products, they don`t look beyond the purchase. To succeed in the 21st century business platform you needs to create a relationship with your customer.
Customer are less loyal now and are ready to patronize your competitor in the face of any short coming or a delay in service delivery. So if you are willing to stay in business, there is no other way than learning to know your customer better, these can be achieve by:
1. Always put yourself in your customer`s position: Ditch the business slangs and environment and try to patronize your own product yourself... ask yourself what do I like about this "Your" company service delivery? if you don`t find up to 5 convincing thing you like about the service delivery... Try and do something about it.
2. Be quick to identify problems and find lasting solution: Business environment keep changing and so Problems and challenges will always arise. Always go to your customer and ask them what they like or hate about your service delivery and act on them, don`t always wait for them to come and complain.
3. Create a meeting platform between you and your customer: Organizing seminars and events where you can give them to share their experience with you and your team can help create a long lasting bond between your brand and your customer. Make your customer to be a part of your brand and they will always stick with you.
3. Learn to appreciate your customer: regular freebies will keep your customer spot on... Be innovative in your advertorial and campaigns, let it be about them not you alone... after all without them, you cannot succeed.
4. Be updated: Methods of engagement changes regularly and so you must flow with the trend, don`t be left behind... always be ahead of your customer... never stop learning
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