Tuesday 15 October 2013

8 Things you can do now that will change your life forever

Last week, i received two separate mail, one from a young woman in
Scotland, the other from one of my follower on twitter.
The content was almost the same, that was what captivated me, and i
almost deleted them, in fear of being a victim of online scam.

But with a careful analysis of the mail, one thing touch my heart,
even though the differ in times of age, location, sex, their
experience was similar and their conclusion was sum up in a question
" why must it be me?"

They define life different, but to them failure was always the same
"not getting what you want "
could this be true? Well, that is subject to public debate.

In fulfilling my promise to them, below are 8 things you can do now
that will change your life forever.

1. Forgive yourself.

Most of us are living with guilt that is greater than us. Our
conscience blames our every moves and we are left in gloom to mourn
our lonely lives.
The only way to be free is to forgive yourself and move on.
"You could have done this or that" don't kill your future, because of
what you think you didn't do well yesterday.

2. Accept who you are.

Whether you are a graduate or not, a job seeker or a school drop out,
there is enough space in the World for you, find your niche and excel.

3. Kill your excuses.

Excuses are sweet, but they are dream killers, Bill Gates would have
lean on the idea of being a school dropout and become a failure, but
he didn't, you have no excuse, you can be what you want to be.

4. Face your fears.

Don't let what you are afraid of, detect how you live your life, face
your fear and life will be meaningful.

5. Be patient.

Rome was not build in a day, make it one step at a time. Be patient,
anything is possible.

6. Take responsibility.

Take the driving seat of your life, be ready to work and get what you
want, don't lose focus, believe in yourself.

7. Follow your heart.

Go after your heart desire, for they are the guiding stars to your dream.

8. Be open to new Ideas.

Ideas are always available, records are meant to be broken, the best
innovations and invention is yet to be discovered.
You are the World greatest, the next super star, just believe in yourself.

Keep Inspiring Your World

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