Wednesday, 1 July 2015

What is your Story line

While you are still trying to pitch yourself in a crowded market, It
is good to rehearse and understand your story line...
Trust me customers love to connect with brand that has good story
line, and are ready to share their stories if it's look good to them.

Story telling is one of the most powerful tool in your business
communication tool, yet most people seldom us it.
Great leaders are great story tellers who understand that great story
promote good ethics, create values, Inspire action and encourage good

Each one of us has a unique story to tell, Whether you are trying to
sell your good and services, Promoting your values to your audience,
Preaching or evangelising on what you believe in... Story telling is a
good Social currency that you can use to grow your brand.

Here is 3 important tips to help you in telling your own story

1. Simplicity is key
Your story should be concise and straight to the point, not too much
and not too less details.. Highlight the key point and make sure there
are well represented in your story.

2. Be Original
You are the hero of your own story, so don't be shy in telling people
your story... Be Clear, be real, Be original,don't steal people story,
create your own and makes sure, it has the power to create impact.
Your story should create emotion and your values must be clearly

3. Connect with Individuals

Always look for the "You factor" When telling or creating your story.
Make sure that each story you tell is a link to endless opportunities,
because, if your story can transform a live, then it will inspire your
World.... So put the "You" in the centre of your story.....

So what's your story line?

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