Saturday 27 June 2015

Understanding the Power of Social Currency

Anything that we share that add value to us and other people through
networking is called Social Currency.
It is used to measure the influence, reach and credibility of a brand
digital presence. It involve the number of share, retweet, like,
mention your brand or post receive, the relationship you make, the
conversation and engagement you are in, etc.

The sharing of opinion, ideas, products, service and information is a
currency that everyone possess, but hardly have we fully utilize that
power. The Social media for instance has created an avenue that can
deliver massive returns, if people and brand can understand the power
of Social Currency and take full advantage of it....

So here is a few points to note :

1. Over 2 billion people are online and most of them are accessing the
internet on their Mobile devices, so how Mobile friendly is your

2. Every minute, millions of content are shared on facebook, twitter
and other Social Platforms, so how can you make your unique and

3. Sharing is Caring, Be creative in your content, share what defines
you and your brand.

4. Originality is important, Make sure what you share is original, if
not, at least give credit to the owner.

5. Engagement is key... You need to understand that the level of your
engagement and interaction will increase the value of your Social

6. One Network is not enough, Be socially functional, arouse your
social awareness by targeting your content on all Social media

7. Don't be stingy, share other people's content.... And you will be
surprise at what that can do to your brand.

8. Be Open to Ideas, join online communities, Find and engage
influencers on online chats/forum

9. Be an expert in telling your own story.

10. Define, understand then develop your social currency..

Follow me on twitter @abelekene

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